Frequently Asked Questions, Terms & Conditions
How long have you been a psychic?
Probably all my life. I have seen spirit since I was a small child. I used it in my day to day life when I worked as a midwife, but never let on to anyone of my gifts. I wanted to keep my psychic life separate to my day job. However in 2005 I left Midwifery and became a full time psychic offering readings alongside developing my crystal buisness
Where do you do your Face to Face Readings?
Face to Face readings are done in my home in Winslow. MK18
Do Zoom and Email readings work as well as Face to Face?
As I work with both your spirit guides and my own spirit guides, I don't need you to be with me to do a reading for you.
Can anyone be psychic?
Yes, it is my belief that we are all born psychic, however not all of us want to develop these skills to a level when we can then help others
Why do prices vary so much between psychics?
This is a good question. When people are offering this service as a hobby or an add on to their day job, they can afford to maybe offer it as a cheaper price becasue the money coming in is an additional extra. When students first begin giving readings they often offer them as freebies or at a very cheep competitive price to enable them to get their practice readings in.
Think of it this way, if you go to an established well known hairdressers to get your hair done, maybe a cut, blowdry and colour. You can pay a variety of prices dependant on the stylists experience. It is no difference, the more experienced psychics will often charge more.
How often should I have a reading?
I never tell people how often they should have a reading as things can change. If we think of a tarot reading as a sneak preview of your life as you are creating it right now. If you like what you see, you know you are on the right track. If you don't like what you see, then you would need to think about what you are doing to create it and what could you possibly do to change things. If you go away and make the necessary changes, then you may want another reading fairly soon to ensure that things are now going the right way. If things were going well for you the first time you have a reading, then you may not want another one for six months to a year.
What is the difference between a clairvoyant tarot reading and a psychic medium reading?
Clairvoyance just means clear sight. A tarot reading is when the psychic uses a set of tarot cards to look at the future that you are creating for youself right now. Psychic means we have the ability to use clairvoyance (clear sight), clairaudience (clear hearing), clair sentience (sensing) and clairaroma (smell). A psychic may be stronger in one or more of these skills. I have all these skills and never know which way the information will come through, although I am strongest as a clairvoyant. A medium reading allows me to use all these skills to connect with the spirit world. I can then see your loved ones, hear them, receive familier smells and sense how they died.
How can I book a reading?
Bookings are taken via my online booking calendar. You can view my availability within the readings section, I try to keep it updated for approx 1 month in advance.
Do you have a waiting list?
I try to keep on top of my work but there are times when you may have to wait a short while for me to fit you in. It will also depend on when you want your reading. I can fit you in easier during the week days. It is harder to fit you in for evening slots and especially weekends, as these tend to get snapped up very quickly. You can also book a time slot for an email readings which are then done at the appointment time. I will always try to be as flexible as I can with time slots, but it is not always possible to move things around.
How can I make Payment?
When using my online booking system, payment can be made by paypal, credit or debit card using the paypal link. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer you can do so by contacting me direct.
Can I purchase a reading for someone else as a gift?
Yes you can, if you look up the date closest to when you want it for, then book as normal. Some of the readings will ask you for the other person's name during the booking process, if you choose one that is not in my gift section, just contact me direct and let me know the details on 07561 414524
What if I book an appointment and can't make that date or time?
You can change the time and date of an appointment at any time, however, if you cancel your appointment completely within 24 hours of the appointment time, no refund will be given.
As the law stands
As the law stands, I have to remind you that readings are for entertainment purposes only!